The portal SCindeks Proceedings indexes papers published in the proceedings of scientific meetings, so-called thematic proceedings (i.e. multi-authored monographs) and, exceptionally, (single-authored) scientific monographs. Proceedings are presented at three different levels regarding the volume and quality of information, depending on the service package (Basic, Standard and Professional) chosen by the publisher. A description of the functionality within individual packages can be found here.
The portal provides the following functions:
Detailed information on proceedings, as well as full texts of the papers are permanently available on the Internet in open access mode.
The main purpose of the Portal is the promotion of the proceedings, but it also serves to promote the papers, their authors, their affiliating institutions and, finally, the projects and funds they are financed by. The performance of Proceedings (citation rate and other quality parameters) that are published periodically and regularly check their papers for plagiarism, i.e. are presented at the highest level (Professional package) are regularly monitored. Proposals for admission to the WoS Proceedings database are prepared for those among them who meet certain conditions.
All metadata of papers are given in OAI PMH, Dublin Core format in order to increase their interoperability with other databases and, based on that, the visibility of papers and authors, as well as the meetings/proceedings themselves on the Internet.
The Portal enables basic and advanced searching using Boolean operators, both in Serbian and in English. The search for titles, keywords, abstracts, and authors of papers is supported. At higher levels of presentation, that is, service packages, the titles and authors of cited references, as well as the full text of papers, are also searchable.
Authors' affiliated institutions, information about projects, as well as their funding institutions are given in a uniform form. At the highest level of presentation (Professional package) all cited references are also normalised. Normalisation is performed with reference to relevant normative lists and databases (SCIndeks, Crossref, PubMed).
At the highest level of presentation (Professional package), the Portal enables the networking of papers by posting external links to papers in normative databases. Internal networking of these papers is provided by the functions "authors cited", "titles cited", "cited in", "related articles" and "link to paper cited".