2024, Pravni, metodološki i institucionalni okvir planiranja i uređenja prostora i naselja, str. 117-123
Metodologija izrade eRegistra planskih dokumenata
Methodology of creating eRegister of planning documents
Ključne reči: eRegistar; Web GIS; geobaza; planski dokumenti
Keywords: eRegister; Web GIS; geodatabase; planning documents
JP "Zavod za urbanizam Vojvodine" Novi Sad (u daljem tekstu Zavod) kao institucija osnovana od strane Skupštine AP Vojvodine i 25 jedinica lokalnih samouprava suosnivača, sa teritorije AP Vojvodine, sprovodi kontinuiranu izradu planskih dokumenata na svim nivoima planiranja. Prostorni i urbanistički planovi koje Zavod kao obrađivač izrađuje usvajaju se kroz procedure Skupštine AP Vojvodine i lokalnih samouprava suosnivača, te se brojnost usvojenih planova konstantno uvećava i pokriva značajnu teritoriju uz međusobnu vertikalnu i horizontalnu usklađenost između planova različitog reda. Kako bi se osnivaču i suosnivačima Zavoda, ali i naručiocima, građanstvu i privredi, omogućilo jednostavno korišćenje usvojenih planskih dokumenata, ali i ogromne količine prostornih podataka koji nužno nastaju kroz proces planiranja, Zavod uz podršku pokrajine i lokalnih samouprava ima intenciju uspostavljanja eRegistra planskih dokumenata za teritoriju AP Vojvodine. eRegistar planskih dokumenata ima za cilj da prezentuje zainteresovanim stranama sva važeća planska dokumenta kroz specifične Web GIS aplikacije. Projekat eRegistra planskih dokumenata treba da bude srednjeročni, multifazni, sa perspektivom trajnog karaktera i u skladu sa pozitivnim zakonskim i podzakonskim propisima Republike Srbije.
JP "Institute for Urbanism of Vojvodina" Novi Sad (hereinafter referred to as the Institute) as an institution established by the Assembly of AP Vojvodina and 25 local self-government units of the co-founders, from the territory of AP Vojvodina, carries out continuous preparation of planning documents at all levels of planning. Spatial and urban plans created by the Institute as a processor are adopted through the procedures of the Assembly of the AP Vojvodina and local self-governments of the cofounders, and the number of adopted plans is constantly increasing and covers a significant territory with mutual vertical and horizontal coordination between plans of different orders. In order to enable the founder and co-founders of the Institute, as well as clients, citizens and the economy, to easily use the adopted planning documents, as well as the huge amount of spatial data that is necessarily created through the planning process, the Institute, with the support of the province and local self-governments, intends to establish an eRegistry of planning documents for the territory of AP Vojvodina. eRegistry of planning documents aims to present all valid planning documents to interested parties through specific Web GIS applications. The eRegistry of planning documents project should be medium-term, multiphase, with a perspective of a permanent character and in accordance with the positive legal and by-laws of the Republic of Serbia.