2024, Pravni, metodološki i institucionalni okvir planiranja i uređenja prostora i naselja, str. 109-115
Izrada i donošenje planskih dokumenata kroz faze
Development and adoption of planning documents through the phases
Ključne reči: faznost; metodologija izrade planskih dokumenata; nove planerske prakse
Keywords: phasing; development methodology of planning documents; new planning practices
Tema rada jeste faznost u donošenju planskih dokumenata kao nova praksa u planiranju i izazovi izrade planova u takvom metodološkom okviru. Rad se bavi analizom faznosti kao modela iz perspektive obrađivača plana, kroz prikaz dve studije slučaja u vidu dva planska dokumenta izrađena kroz faze, delom, odnosno u celosti: Plan generalne regulacije građevinskog područja sedišta jedinice lokalne samouprave - grad Beograd (celine I - XIX) i Plan generalne regulacije šinskih sistema u Beogradu sa elementima detaljne razrade. Cilj rada jeste postavljanje platforme za širu profesionalnu diskusiju o definisanju faze kao pojma, njenom odnosu prema planskom dokumentu kao celini, njenoj poziciji/ primeni u sistemu planiranja danas, kao i izazovima koje donosi u pogledu izrade, donošenja i sprovođenja planskih dokumenata.
The topic of the paper is the phasing in the adoption of a planning documents, as a new planning practice and the challenges of developing plans in such a methodological framework. The paper deals with the analysis of phasing as a model from the perspective of the plan processor, through the presentation of two case studies in the form of planning documents prepared through phases, in part or as a whole: Plan of general regulation for the construction area in the seat of the local self-government unit - the city of Belgrade (units I-XIX), Plan of general regulation for the railway systems in Belgrade with elements of detailed elaboration. The aim of the paper is to set up a platform for a wider professional discussion on the definition of the phase as a concept, its relation to the planning document, its position/application in the planning system today, as well as the challenges it brings regarding the creation, adoption, and implementation of planning documents.