2024, Pravni, metodološki i institucionalni okvir planiranja i uređenja prostora i naselja, str. 93-99
Agencija za prostorno planiranje i urbanizam Republike Srbije - nadležnosti i značaj za lokalnu samoupravu, planiranje i uređenje naselja
Agency for Spatial and Urban Planning of the Republic of Serbia: Competences and significance for local self-government, planning and development of settlements
Ključne reči: Agencija za prostorno planiranje i urbanizam RS; Zakon o planiranju i izgradnji; dokumenti prostornog i urbanističkog planiranja; naselje
Keywords: Agency for Spatial Planning and Urbanism of the Republic of Serbia; Law on Planning and Construction; spatial and urban planning documents; settlement
Izmenama i dopunama Zakona o planiranju i izgradnji iz avgusta 2023. godine, osnovana je Agencija za prostorno planiranje i urbanizam Republike Srbije. U prvom delu ovog rada, biće predstavljen normativni okvir načina rada Agencije. Poseban fokus biće na nadležnostima koje Agencija ima i poverenim poslovima Ministarstva građevinarstva, saobraćaja i infrastrukture. U drugom delu ovog rada, biće predstavljeni normativni okviri definisani Izmenama i dopunama ovog zakona koji se odnose na nadležnost jedinice lokalne samouprave i Agencije kao nadležnog organa za koordinisanje, pripremu, vođenje i realizaciju dokumenata prostornog i urbanističkog planiranja iz nadležnosti Republike Srbije. Ukazaće se na načine uređenja naselja i pružanje stručne pomoći u izradi planskih dokumenata jedinicama lokalne samouprave, kao i ostale aktivnosti koje će detaljnije biti predstavljene u ovom radu. Očekivani rezultati ovog rada ukazaće na međusobnu saradnju nadležnih organa sa posebnim osvrtom i predlozima unapređenja dosadašnjeg postupanja u domenu planiranja i uređenja naselja u Repblici Srbiji.
With the amendments to the Law on Planning and Construction from August 2023, the Agency for Spatial Planning and Urbanism of the Republic of Serbia was established. In the first part of this work, the normative framework of the Agency's management will be presented. A special focus will be on the competences that the Agency has and the tasks entrusted from the Ministry of Construction, Transport, and Infrastructure in Republic of Serbia. In the second part of this paper, the normative frameworks defined by the amendments to this law will be presented, which refer to the competence of the local self-government unit and the Agency as the competent authority for coordination, preparation, management, and implementation of spatial and urban planning documents under the competence of the Republic of Serbia. The ways of arranging the settlement and providing professional assistance in the preparation of planning documents to the local self-government units will be pointed out, as well as other activities that will be presented in more detail in this paper. The expected results of this work will indicate the mutual cooperation of the competent authorities with a special review and proposals for improving the current actions in the field of planning and arrangement of settlements in the Republic of Serbia.