2024, Pravni, metodološki i institucionalni okvir planiranja i uređenja prostora i naselja, str. 73-83
Građa za poznavanje društvene geografske prošlosti Srbije
Materials for the knowledge of the social geograph past of Serbia
Univerzitet u Beogradu, Geografski fakultet, Srbija
Pisana reč o državnoj i društvenoj organizovanosti Srbije, postoji u nekoliko knjiga bliskih društvenoj geografiji, istoriografiji i etnilogiji, štampanim pre više od dva veka. Autori takvih dela bili su različitih struka, obrazovanja i znjanja, a izvori podataka kojima su se služili uglavnom nedovoljni i nepotpuni. Posmetrane sa vremenske distance koja nas deli od nekih knjiga, moramo ih analitički realno ocenjivati i sve prikazano dovoditi u vezu sa nastojanjem njihovih autora, da stvarnost prikažu onakvom kakvom su je doživljavali i istraživali. Domaći i strani pisci knjiga o Srbiji, pored ostalog, ostavili su podatke o državnoj i društrvenoj organizovanosti Srbije svoga doba i ranijih vremena, kao i o lokalnoj samoupravi. Pleni arhaičnost jezika, bogatstvo statistike, osvrt na društvene pojave i procese na koje su ukazivali. Bez poznavanja prošlosti nije moguće realno sagledati sadašnjost i planirati budućnost. Zbog toga je povratak starim knjigama i njihovim autorima, povratak korenima, na kojima se Srbija razvijala i koji se i danas izučavaju i primenjuju, ukoliko odgovaraju.
The written word about the state and social organization of Serbia exists in several books related to social geography, historiography and ethnology, printed more than two centuries ago. The authors of these works had different professions, education and knowledge, and the sources they used were mostly inadequate and incomplete. With the distance in time that separates us from some books, we must look, at them analytically, evaluate them realistically and attribute everything that is shown to the efforts of their authors to portray reality as they experienced it during their research. Domestic and foreign authors of books about Serbia have left, among other things, information about the state and social organization of Serbia in their time and earlier times, as well as about local self-government. The archaic language. The abundance of statistics, the review of social phenomena and processes to which they referred are captivating. Without knowing the past, it is not possible to see the present realistically and plan for the future. Therefore, it is a return to the books and their authors, a return to the roots on which Serbia has developed and which are still studied and observed today, when appropriate.